Oh no... What's that? Winston didn't update his food blog for a month again? Surprise surprise... He should be lucky that there isn't such a thing as a blogspot officer or whatchamakullit that goes around shutting down inactive blogs like this... Especially when it's one dedicated to food..... FOR SHAME........!!!
Food from around:-
(i) Assorted Malay Kuihs
Friend went to this Msian Bazaar that sold assorted foods and items for the Raya Celebration here in Melboune. Bought loads back for us during one of the study groups we had at my place. Bless her generous heart.

Forgot the name of this! Sticky on the outside, with melted Gula Melaka inside

Seri Muka

Random walnut mini cupcakes

Kuih lapis... My childfood fav


(ii) Jade's chocolate treats

Nutella Truffles... They taste just as good as they look! P.s. Jade, I love this photo of your truffles, thanks!!
(iii) Mel's 21st over Jap BBQ at Izakaya Chuji

Ox tongue (!!!)

Eye fillet

PORK BELLLLY!!!!!!!! Winner of the night!!

MMMMMMM.... Absolutely perfect........
Crumbed egg plant with mince
Minced meat and cheese dumplings
Ox tongue in garlic sauce
Mango Cheesecake from Breadtop
(iv) Mooncake Festival

Double Yolk Durian Mooncake from Yahweh Asian Grocery
(v) Dinner with Andrea and KK friends at City Grill Room

Baked Fetta Cheese and Mushrooms

8 hour slow cooked Lamb Scotch Fillet

Angus Eye Fillet

Pork ribs. Ok after this meal, I am CONVINCED that this place has THE BEST RIBS IN MELBOURNE. 10x better than the stupidly overrated Hurricane Bar & Grill in Sydney and even topped my previous favourite grill room at Domain Interchange. So darn moist and tender yummooo

My lovely ribs and medium rare steak... What an enjoyable meal... If only I could fire up a grill every day but not have to clean it
(vi) Snacks from Royal Melbourne Show

Kaiser Plate. I love sauerkraut

Fish n Chips. For flaky fish, generally prefer Flatheads like these. So easy to eat by hand too
(vii) Family dinner at Kuala Lumpur Restaurant, Carnegie

Gotta love Fried Sambal Kangkung

Hands down BEST Curry Fish Head around. They were generous with the head and meat portions that night - LOVED it

Coconot Butter Prawns

Fried Ice Cream (gone in 2 minutes)
(viii) Family dinner at New Laksa King

Roti Chicken Roll

Fish Head Mee Hoon

Famous Fish Head Curry Laksa

Another AWESOME dinner with my lovely family and cousins: Jenny, Janice, Sandra, Harry and Jason =)))
Home Cooked Meals:-
(i) By friends:
Cheesebaked Cauliflower by Brian
Brian's UBER YUMMY Pumpkin Cheesecake!!! One of the BEST cheesecakes I've ever tasted. And the crust was stayed SO crunchy as well! Kudos man...
(ii) By family:
A typical breakfast prepared by Dad... Yummy charred steak with gravy with black pepper sauce which he made from scratch too lol
Penang Har or Hokkien Mee with ingredients bought from Yahweh Asian Grocery the night before
(iii) By me:

One of my favourite dinners is just eating soup and rice... Chicken Herbal Soup with ingredients from my pantry... Love eating dinners like this SO much
Seriously, try it. Just boil the above ingredients with pork ribs and a few tablespoons of Fish Sauce in the end... YUMMM... Especially love the taste from Tomato, Carrots and Apples in the soup

Ingredients for basic white sauce for pasta: Cream, grated cheese, butter and minced garlic

Everything on top of that is optional. I used leftover Salmon which I found in my freezer and mushrooms

Nothing fancy. Didn't drain my pasta enough so the retained water made my sauce runny ;(

Like I said, I don't like the San Remo (on the right) pasta at all. Look at how it contrasts in colour and if you ate it in real life, texture too haih

BEST Carbonara I've ever made with leftover pasta sauce (from night before), Bacon and one Egg

Yummy yummy Carbonara with salmon, mushrooms and bacon mmm... Just love the oily texture from the egg in Carbonara

Prepared a special homecooked meal for Chris's surprise 20th Birthday with Brian. Scotch Eye Fillet which works out to be only $2 each!! Cooking at home is waaaay cheaper. Picked the meat with most marbling under the most affordable price at Vic Mark. As you can see from its dark colour, not as fresh as I'd like but you get what you pay for. Not complaining about the price at all

Final product: Grilled Eye Fillet on a bed of Sweet Mash, with sauteed Spinach and Mushrooms

One of our many, many homecooked dinners with the three of us at my place... Good times =)

Brian's favourite way to end his meals, i.e. with Moscato. Don't know that much about wine, but I do prefer dry wine just cause I can taste it better than sweet ones

The birthday boy with the awesome cheesecake. Love this kid!

There's three ways that I LOVE to have my instant noodles: First is with FRESH beef slice, veg, egg with runny yolk and noodles still springy

Second is Maggi Mee
Kari/Assam Laksa
with FRESH prawns, egg and noodles still springy.... YUMMM...
For Maggi Mee Ayam, with less water, LOTS of broken up egg and noodles cooked still soft. My sis and I used to call this, "Bubur Style" when we were young... Can you tell that I LOVE instant noodles? Posted piks of it more than 5 times on this blog lol

Borrowed Chris's claypot cause been dying to try my friend's mum's Claypot Chicken Rice for the LONGEST time

So darn simple. Highly recommend it

Very happy with the final product. Would love to make this again cause it's so simple and everyone loved it. But will prolly space it out a bit cause later get too sick of it too quick

Lovely char from the rice... What I love most about eating claypot rice!
Another recipe that I've been WAITING to try out for so long is also my friend's mum's Unbaked Mango Cheesecake... Have always been hesitant about making desserts but I was actually quite happy with final product PHEW... Anybuddy wanna try next time?! ;p
Sponge cake base, mousse filling with mango glaze on top. Starting to like sponge cake based cakes... Very happy I finally got to use the awesome mango coulis/puree I got from Perth =D
ANYHOO, that's all for now. Just a "brief" summary of food in Melb in the month of September. Hope you're all doing great as usual!
Winston =)